Frequently Asked Question

How do I apply a coupon code for Shenanicon?
Last Updated 9 months ago

Please read carefully. Shenanicon has a low attendance cap and we have implemented a process to handle the distribution of registration for members that would like to attend.

In the email, please use the coupon code that was supplied in your email.

  1. Click on the link to register to the event.
  2. Enter the quantity of memberships you would like to book and click on add to cart.
  3. Review your cart. You can ignore the subtotal as the coupon cannot be applied to this screen. After you review your cart, click on Proceed to Checkout.
  4. Before completing the checkout process, enter the email address that you have used to book a room, submitted your panels, or joined the wait list with. (This is the email address used to notify you with the coupon code.image
  5. After entering the email address, click on the "Have a Coupon? Click here to enter your code." Then type in the coupon code that you were provided in your notification email. Then click on Apply coupon.
  6. A message saying Coupon Code applied successfully will appear. If you do not get this message, review the coupon code and email address is correct. If unsuccessful, contact the Registration department on the help desk.
  7. Review the line totals and be sure that it is correct. Complete other fields such as attendee names, billing address, etc. before making payment.
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